

W-15 synthetic designer’s drugs opiate. The full chemical name: 1-Phenylethylpiperidylidene-2- (4-chlorophényl) -sulfonamide. It is gaining immense popularity among buyers of our store, but with great care it is necessary to be able to distribute dosages, as a product of very strong concentration.



Molecular weight

Attention cautiously with dosage-has quite a slick effect. New development of 1-Phenylethylpiperidylidene-2- (4-chlorophenyl) sulfonamide (W-15), which is a potent agonist of opioids with a certain chemical structure that is not closely related to other families fixed for opiate preparations. It was invented by chemists Edward Naous, Brent Warrand and Theodore Ondruz in 1981. It was found that this compound is 5.4x more potent than morphine in the test with induced spasms of phenylquinone when administered subcutaneously. However, due to its structural differences from other opioids, it would be difficult to imagine how “essentially similar to a chemical structure” to any other controlled drug.

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Package Weight

10g, 50g, 100g, 500g, 1kg, 5kg, 10kg


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